Portfolio Construction

Portfolios are constructed with high-quality, U.S. dollar-denominated securities rated investment grade or better at time of purchase. Primary consideration is given to numerous and diverse value-adding opportunities using duration management, yield curve positioning, sector allocation and security selection. We can and do make major shifts in our sector allocations to take advantage of short-term market conditions. Duration is closely managed to 75-125 percent of the benchmark, which allows us to take advantage of opportunities while managing volatility. No single non-government security will be more than 5 percent of the portfolio value at the time of purchase.

Portfolio Characteristics

Inception DateJanuary 1, 1996
Assets Under Management (in millions)$130.10
Investment StyleCore
MaturityShort-Intermediate (3 to 5 years)
Decision MakingSector/Spread Analysis
BenchmarkBarclays Capital Intermediate U.S. Aggregate Bond Index

Portfolio Statistics as of 12/31/20

Intermediate Investment Grade Fixed IncomeBarclays Capital Intermediate U.S. Aggregate Bond Index
Average Credit QualityAa3Aa1
Duration3.4 yrs3.6 yrs
Current Yield2.4%2.4%
Number of Holdings1229108
Average Turnover47.2%N/A
Sharpe Ratio1.4N/A
10 Yr Annualized Standard Deviation1.9%2.1%

Sector Diversification as of 12/31/20

Intermediate Investment Grade Fixed IncomeBarclays Capital Intermediate U.S. Aggregate Bond Index
Taxable Municipals19.100.30